Friday, May 25, 2012

Real Quick Base Touch

And the winner of The First To Journey To Chicago To Check Up On Visit Me, goes to . . . (drum roll here), Laura Goodwin, everybody!  That's right, acclaimed playwright, raging feminist, Xena enthusiast and my bestie for the last five years, Laura will be receiving the prize of an average lifetime.  Escorted by yours truly, she will wander the streets of the Windy City in a somewhat guided part tour, part "where are we?" thrill ride, ending every night with an exciting game of Lets See If We Can Make It To A Neighborhood We Won't Get Shot In Before Dark.  But seriously folks, it's gonna be a good time.  Bestie, make that jet fly faster!  Tomorrow can't get here soon enough.

So, just a quick update to let my Northwesterners know I am still living that Chi Town dream.  Let's see here . . . There are no Freddy's.  That's a bit weird, but certainly no loss.  Any everyone is a lot more hush hush about pot out here, which is surprising, since hard drugs still seem to be the toast of the town.  What else . . . Michelle Obama drove past me.  So that happened.  Umm . . . Oh!  A girl is transferring to my Starbucks who is virtually me, for lack of a better descriptive lead in.  She moved here from another state for Second City, where she is currently in two shows and going to graduate from the writing program in July.  I still can't figure out if this is encouraging, or distressing.  But, in any case, her name is Meg and she seems very nice and so I'm excited to work with her.  And on an unrelated note, I've recently been informed that the image of most Northwestern states as it stands in the majority of midwestern minds, is that of desolate places, populated by crazy ranchers, unstable hermits, and unibombers.  Bravo.

The season finale of SNL upset me to my core.  I am not, nor may ever be, ready to talk about it.  So please don't ask.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but that pretty much sums it up.  Well, that and the library here is awesome.  They appear to have everything, including free passes to all the museums and zoos - the benefits of which shall be reaped by the aforementioned winner, my bestie, in the next five and a half days to follow.
It has reading owl gargoyles, for cryin' out loud!

I mean, am I right??

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