I finished Writing 1 a couple weeks ago. That's right, I am $300 poorer, but oh, what I have to show for it! Eight weeks and five scripts later, I have solidified the proper spelling of my name, learned correct script formatting, and now unwillingly possess the detailed knowledge of what would happen if a human being were to take a shit on the moon. So, Writing 1: check.
Writing 2 I just started two days ago. It's a Sunday afternoon class is a room much smaller but also with far more comfortable chairs. Already, with just the leap from Writing 1 to Writing 2, we've begun to separate the quitters from the desperately dedicated. Walking into the tiny, dim room, I got my first real taste of the minority roll I'll be playing in my ideal line of work. In a class of 14 people, I am one of three girls. It's like stepping through the SPU looking glass. Everyone seems to already know each other, coming from the same Writing 1 class. But that's cool, because I know the instructor from my Writing 1 class. That's right, Kalah's only friend is the teacher. Fifth grade all over again. Winning.
I look a bit of an outsider here... |
Friends! |
Anyway, here are some new things Chicago has taught me:
- Try to avoid riding the train when severely ill / severely intoxicated. There are no trash cans to deposit one's vomit, nor is there any emergency stop button. You're in a tube in a tunnel full of other humans. Please don't put anyone through that.
- Dim sum is not ever good. This is a personal preference, but a lesson I've learned nonetheless.
- It is legal, and even encouraged, to bring your own alcoholic beverages to about 40% of all Chicago restaurants. And it's pretty awesome.
- Wisconsin is very close, but still not as close as you'd think.
- Don't go to a standup show unless you're prepared to clap, like, 80% of the time. If you don't, you're just going to look like an asshole. And more importantly, they need that, man. They're like Tinkerbell. If we don't clap, their ambition and livelihood will shrivel up and die. Brave souls up there. Brave souls.
- Friday night in a Chicago emergency room is surely one of the innermost layers of hell. I found myself wedged between a drug addict screaming threats in Satan's voice, and a kid who CUT HIS FOOT OFF. There was no foot left. So please, lets all do our very best to stay out of those Chicagoland ERs.
- For the right price, you can have pretty much anything delivered to your doorstep.
So, Chicago. I'm sure it will start to get better as soon as it lets up being 180 degree with 190% humidity. Yeah, that'd probably lighten my mood quite a bit. And, you know, if I'd just stop complaining so much and write some more.
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